Sixth Form Community celebrates Eid together

Our school community enjoyed a wonderful evening together celebrating Eid and the end of Ramadan with a Street Party organised by Mr Hussain and the Sixth Form Eid Committee. Approximately 100 staff members, parents, Sixth Form students, governors and representatives of the Trust came together for an evening of celebration and delicious food provided by local vendor, Saf’s Kitchen. Our students also put on a dance show for the guests which was really well received.
We were joined by Imam Suleman from The MK Islamic Centre in Coffee Hall. He talked about the significance of Ramadan and the importance of community spirit and self-discipline. We are very grateful to him for his time and contribution to the event. Dr Frame also shared her thoughts with us. The event was supported financially by the Denbigh Association and local organisations, MK Warriors Cricket Club and Podium PCL. We are very grateful to them for making the event affordable for all.
Mr Hussain said: ‘There was such a vibrant atmosphere in-school, the food was delicious and the company amazing. We are very grateful to our Sixth Form Eid Committee of Zaara, Ayesha and Adam who put so much time and effort into hosting this community celebration and securing funding for the Event.’
Mrs Jan, our Chair of Governors attended the party and said: ‘It was a brilliant event. The Eid Committee pulled out all the stops with the decorations and entertainment this year. Special mention must be made to the students who put on the dance show, it was superb! I enjoyed meeting students and their families and spending some social time with staff also. I was delighted to receive a party bag at the end! Thank you to all who attended for supporting the Eid Party’.