Young Enterprise Team focus on Wellbeing
Our Young Enterprise Team this year have created a care package which focuses on wellbeing and aims to help their customers achieve peace of mind. The Team is called ‘Meta-Noya’ which is Greek for ‘The journey of changing one’s mind, heart or way of life.’
We are very proud of our Young Enterprise Programme here at Denbigh. Every year Young Enterprise sets students across the country the task of creating a product and selling it to the public. Much like a task on The Apprentice, students have to come up with a business plan, a marketing strategy, conduct consumer research – minus the board room at the end of course!
Our Team of Year 12 students has created a product which aims to promote mental wellbeing and clarity through products which stimulate the senses. Their ‘peace of mind packs’ contain incense sticks, herbal tea, candles, oils and sweet treats all for the bargain price of £4.99.
The Team have been selling their product at school events and via social media – @meta-noya on Instagram, Pinterest, & Tik Tok.
As ‘Meta-Noya’ would say ‘Relax. Unwind. Chill’.