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Safeguarding and Keeping Safe Online


Safeguarding is of the upmost priority at Denbigh School. All staff are trained thoroughly to ensure that they can respond appropriately to safeguarding issues as and when they arise.

Denbigh School has a dedicated safeguarding team, working alongside our pastoral leaders, as detailed in the Denbigh Alliance Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. The Policy can be accessed using the following link: 

Denbigh School Safeguarding Team

Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Name: Mr P. Myers (Deputy Headteacher)
Contact details: 01908 505030

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Name: Mrs A. Butterfield
Contact details: 01908 505030

Members of the Safeguarding Team

Name: Mr J. Waters (Assistant Headteacher)
Contact details: 01908 505030

Name: Mr J. Burgess (Assistant Headteacher)
Contact details: 01908 505030

Name: Mr P. Gannaway (Assistant Headteacher)
Contact details: 01908 505030

Name: Mrs S. Brawn
Contact details: 01908 505030

Designated e-safety Lead

Name: Mr P. Myers
Contact details: 01908 505030

Chair of Denbigh Local School Board

Name: Mr D. Wood
Contact details: 01908 505030

Designated Governors for Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment

Name: Mr D. Wood & Mr A Tidy
Contact details: 01908 505030

 If you have any concerns of a pastoral nature – you should contact your child’s Tutor or Head of Year in the first instance. 

Similarly, if you are concerned about your child’s mental health please contact your child’s pastoral leader who will be able to advise of the considerable in school support available or signpost you to suitable outside agencies if appropriate.

Safeguarding is everybody’s business.  The Denbigh Alliance Trust is committed to ensuring that all our children and young people are safe and feel safe; that children, parents/carers and staff are able to talk about any safeguarding concerns and feel assured that they will be listened to; and that all staff and volunteers are aware of and implement safeguarding procedures and guidance, including what to do if they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm.

In any case where an adult is concerned that a child is, or maybe, at risk of significant harm they must make a referral directly to Milton Keynes Council Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).  If a child or other person is at immediate risk of harm, the first response should always be to call the police on 999.

To make a referral or consult Children’s Services regarding concerns about a child:

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):

• Tel: 01908 253169 or 253170 during office hours


• Emergency Social Work Team Tel: 01908 265545 out of office hours

• email:

For allegations about people who work with children:

• Contact the MASH as above


• Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) Tel: 01908 254307

• email:

For information about safeguarding training for schools and education settings:

• Contact the Secretary to the Children & Families Head of Safeguarding – Tel:

01908 254962


• email:

For general queries regarding safeguarding, contact the Children

& Families Head of Safeguarding

• Tel: 01908 254307


• email:

Mental Health

Supporting positive mental health and well-being is an important aspect of care at Denbigh School.  Our extended Pastoral team work closely with students where additional support is required.  Many factors can influence a young person’s mental health and aspects of our PSHE programme is intended to support students to become aware of the potential risks and strategies to improve overall well-being.  

Maintaining health lifestyles, such as staying physically active, ensuring regular rest and sleep routines and healthy eating are important to overall health.

The internet and social media are integral to many young people’s lives.  Whilst they can have a positive impact, there are also many risks associated particularly with social media usage.  Many online platforms have age restrictions as they are not suitable for use by younger people.

The Following social media platforms have an age restriction of 13 Years and upwards:

  • TikTok
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Snapchat
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Houseparty

WhatsApp has an age restriction of 16. Many young people use WhatsApp as the primary source to communicate with others, including in group chats. The App has a function that allows up to 256 people in one chat and allows users to join as many group chats as they wish. This can result in hundreds of messages being exchanged, often in the evenings or at night. This can have a negative impact on peer relationships and the wellbeing of users.

We recommend that parents/carers regularly talk to their children about their social media usage, check their devices regularly and do not allow them to have access to their devices at night. 

There are many helpful resources for parents/carers to support young people staying safe online. One example is below:

Mental Health Support

Where young people require urgent support for a mental health crisis or emergency, parents/carers should get immediate expert advice and assessment through Milton Keynes Hospital and/or GP services. If you feel that your child requires additional mental health support in school, please contact their Tutor or Head of Year (Pastoral) to discuss your concerns. 


Kooth is a free and anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service available to every young person between 11 and 19 living in Milton Keynes. For further information, please access their website.


Milton Keynes Specialist CAMHS provides support to children and young people up to the age of 18, their parents/carers and their families who are resident of Milton Keynes and registered with a Milton Keynes GP and are causing a high level of concern to adults around them due to a significant change in the child/young person’s mood and/or behaviour.

CAMHS offers a telephone referral service open to professionals and young people whether known to the service or not. The referral line is available Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm on 01908 725372.

Milton Keynes Council have published information regarding well-being and local mental health services, including online resources as part of the SEND Local Offer. This information can be accessed here: