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Physical Education

Contact Information  
Mrs C South-Greaves – Mr D Bennett –
Mr R Bunney – Mrs C Burrows –
Mrs G Calleia – Mr R Fry –
Mr M Lay – Mr M Linbourne –
Mr C Simm – Miss E Whitehouse –
Mr H Gray –  

Faculty Information

Denbigh School offers a wide range of sporting activities, chosen to suit all our students’ needs and abilities.  Physical Education and social development are encouraged through participation in a programme of team games and individual sports and activities, which all students are expected to take an active part in.   Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 receive two hours of Physical Education a week and Year 10 and 11 students receive one hour, in an addition to any sport-related exam subjects they choose.

We assess our students using the new ‘Head, Heart, Hands’ model of PE assessment and as part of this students are assessed against the Denbigh PE Values (Responsibility, Effort and Technique).  Students are also assessed in a variety of other characteristics including ‘Knowledge and Understanding’ (Head), their ‘Physical ability’ (Hands) and Resilience (Heart).

An extensive extra-curricular sports programme complements the core PE curriculum.  Over 200 fixtures provide plenty of opportunity for competitive sport and extra-curricular clubs are on offer before and after the school day.   The P.E. Faculty organises and coaches a host of sports teams that are consistently successful in local competitions, as well as running an annual sports day and a wide variety of clubs throughout the year.   All our sports teams compete on a district level and we also enter county competitions in a variety of activities.

The Faculty has been a regular winner of the Milton Keynes ‘Secondary School of Year’ Award and has recently won the ‘School Partnership’ Award for its work with local primary schools in the area.  In 2018, the Faculty was awarded the prestigious ‘Leap Award’ for ‘Best P.E Faculty in the County’.   At the end of each year the School’s sporting success is celebrated with the Annual Colours Assembly.  Colours are rewarded for outstanding contribution to both curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Students have the opportunity to select from variety of examination courses within the subject of P.E.  These include a vcert in Health and fitness and a GCSE PE and Dance option in Year 9.  Sixth Form opportunities include A Level PE, BTEC Sport and the Football Academy Programme.

The School Council plays an active role in shaping P.E at Denbigh and has helped redesign the School’s P.E kit and update Sports Day. These initiatives have led to improved engagement and participation from of all students.

Denbigh has developed a sports performance programme to provide talented students with support in combing their sporting talent and academic studies.  This has included talks from professionals within the industry, giving advice on how to balance academic study with training demands.

Schemes of Learning

Each faculty has developed a Scheme of Learning for each subject and year group. The Schemes of Learning outline the curriculum journey that students will embark on each academic year.

BTEC Sport

PE – Core


Revision Websites (PE)

Faculty Assessment & Feedback Policy

Please find a copy of the Faculty Assessment and Feedback policy below. Teachers in the faculty subject areas will follow this policy when assessing students learning and providing feedback.

PE A-Level

V-CERT Health and Fitness

Useful Websites ( VCERT Health & Fitness)

Key Words for Year 7 PE

Key TermDefinition
Knowledge and understandingI know the basic rules of different sports and how to warm-up effectively. I can identify major muscles used during sports performance, as well as key coaching points for skill replication.
ResilienceI persevere and keep going when I am faced with difficult or challenging situations.
Physical abilityDeveloping and applying the physical attributes required for sports performance.
EffortI always try my hardest, even in activities that I don’t enjoy.
TechniqueIs skill and ability in an artistic, sporting or other practical activity that you develop through practice.
ResponsibilityBeing accountable and reliable, in PE this might mean ensuring you bring the correct PE kit, helping to set up equipment in the lesson and being responsible for your own learning and progression.
AgilityThe ability to move and change direction quickly (at speed) while maintaining control.
Cardiovascular EnduranceThe ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles.
FlexibilityThe range of movement possible at a joint.
SpeedThe maximum rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time.
Muscular EnduranceThe ability of a muscle or muscle group to undergo repeated contractions avoiding fatigue.
PowerExplosive strength or anaerobic power is the product strength and speed.
Warm-upPreparing the body for exercise so that the chances of injury or ill effects are limited.  

Key Words for Year 8 PE

Key TermDefinition
FeedbackThe information that the performer receives about a skill or a performance.
Positive FeedbackInformation which highlights successful aspects of a skill or performance.
Negative FeedbackInformation which highlights unsuccessful aspects of a skill or performance.
TacticsActions and strategies planned to achieve an overall objective. These can be individual or group/team based.
Outwitting opponentsTo use tactics and strategies to beat or outsmart your opponent.
LeadershipThe ability of an individual to influence and guide others.
The 12 minute Cooper Run TestA fitness test designed to measure cardiovascular endurance.
The Sit and Reach TestA fitness test designed to measure flexibility.
The 60 second sit-up TestA fitness test designed to measure muscular endurance.
The Illinois Agility TestA fitness test designed to measure agility.
The Standing Long Jump TestA fitness test designed to measure power.
The 30m Sprint TestA fitness test designed to measure speed.
Cool downEnabling recovery after exercise through the gradual reduction in heart rate.
Fair-playFollowing the rules of the lesson and/or sport being performed. Performing with respect, integrity and a positive attitude.