Denbigh Alliance Multi Academy Trust logo

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Statement

Denbigh School aims to provide high-quality remote learning when it is not possible for some or all students to attend school.  Remote learning is considered as a last resort and will only be implemented when either:

  • A full or partial school closure restricts student attendance to school.
    • An individual case at the discretion of the school where a student is unable to attend school but is able to learn.

    Our remote learning aims to match the high-quality education provided in-person and might include recorded or live direct teaching, as well as tasks for students to complete independently.

    As a school we aim to fulfil the following remote learning principles:

    • Provide lesson resources as soon as reasonably practicable.
    • Provide remote sessions that are reasonable in length when taking into consideration independent tasks and student screen time.
    • Support students to overcome digital access barriers.

    We use Microsoft Teams as our primary digital education platform. Students can access this using their school login credentials.

    Remote Learning Tutorials

    Here are some video tutorials you may find useful for your remote learning:

    Logging into Teams:

    Finding your lesson resources:

    Locating your homework through Microsoft Teams:

    Opening your class notebook through Microsoft Teams:

    Opening your class notebook through the OneNote Desktop App:

    Full student guide to Microsoft Teams and OneNote: